GAM method

In: Multiaxial methods

This method belongs to the group of IDS criteria. It is a quite new criterion [GAM05]. It is based on a construction of minimum circumscribed ellipsoid over the load path in five-dimensional deviatoric Ilyushin space:

where ai correspond to length of semi-axes of the ellipsoid circumscribing the stress path in the deviatoric space. Under specific conditions iso-frequency out-of-phase sinusoidal multiaxial loading the following equality holds true:

where di are the distances of the centre of the ellipsoid to the faces of any arbitrarily oriented rectangular prism circumscribing the stress path in the deviatoric space [GAM05]. The final criterion utilizes the highest principal stress over the load cycle as the second load input, so that the most damaging combination could be expected:

The material variables are set from fatigue limits as:

The di parameters can be set from search for minimum and maximum values of the transformed deviatoric stress tensor:

The results of the criterion reached in [FatLim Database] show problems concerning the effect of mean stress. Until now, only in the simplified version utilizing the di parameters is implemented in PragTic. Be aware of this limitation.




PragTic variable




second invariant of stress tensor deviator



fatigue limit in fully reversed axial loading


maximum of the highest principal stress throughout the load history


components of the transformed deviatoric stress vector



fatigue limit in fully reversed torsion

Methods & Options & Variables of Calculation Edit


- Whole load path


- No currently no option implemented

Solution option

- Only every x-th data-point taken from load history

- Evaluate envelope curve only <1~yes, 0~no>

Solution variable

- Minimum damage this option is not active for this high-cycle fatigue method

Material parameters



tensile modulus



Poissons ratio



fatigue limit in fully reversed push-pull (or plane bending)



fatigue limit in fully reversed torsion

Result detail variables

Damage                fatigue index is computed, not the damage as a reciprocal value to number of cycles or repetitions

FDD1        AMP_SH        value of the parameter f in the first equation here

FDD2        MAX_PS        maximum principal stress during loading

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